Your Social Worker is the contact between St Josephs, service users and their families they are available to support the move from early years to school age and provide ongoing support.
Referral into a number of additional services offered by St Josephs is managed by your social worker on the school age team, these include:
The social workers in St Josephs also are responsible for the role of Designated Liaison Person for all service users aged 0-18yrs
Social Workers act as advocates for service users and families and seek to inform them of their entitlements.
Listed below are a number of useful links which may be of benefit to your family, they outline government supports that are available.
Your social worker will be able to help you complete these applications and will guide you as to which support is best suited to your current needs.
Citizens Information also provides comprehensive information on the benefits and entitlements available to people with disabilities, their families and carers. To find out about benefits and entitlements that you may be able to apply for, please visit the Citizen's Information Website
Social Work Team St. Josephs
Joanne Jenks |
Principle Social Worker, Designated Officer, Designated Liaison Person |
Sharon O’Donovan |
Senior Social Work Practitioner, ASD Team |
Pierce O’Brien |
Adults Services, Acting Deputy Designated Officer |
Mary Hughes |
ASD Team |
Jennifer Flynn |
Early Intervention, Home from Home Project |