Explaining to your child about illness & getting tested for Coronavirus (COVID 19)
We really hope you and your family are keeping safe and well during these unprecedented times. Unfortunately, some people are getting sick. If you or some member of your child’s family has contracted the Virus, it might be a good idea to involve your child in the situation and let them know what is happening. This can be supportive to them and can help them and all the family cope better. We have put together practical advice and social stories to give simple useful information and reassurance if your child or a member of the family has to get tested for the Coronavirus. Each story can be adapted to explain to your child if a member of the family is getting tested.
Test for Coronavirus (Easy-Read Story)—Composed by the Brothers of Charity Speech and Language Therapy Department
When Someone in my house gets sick (Easy Read Story)— Composed by the Brothers of Charity Speech and Language Therapy Department
My Special Coronavirus Test Story—Created by the Psychology Department, Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital, Crumlin
Staying at Home and Staying Safe (Social Story)—Created by the Psychology Department, Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital, Crumlin
"Lockdown” Visual Guide — Created by AsIAm (www.asiam.ie)
Health Visuals by Brothers of Charity SLT Department
Stress Management—Parents
Coping with Stress-Parents’ Guide
Parenting through Covid-19
Helpful hints for Parenting during Covid 19.