Health & Safety

The policy of St Joseph’s Foundation is to comply with the Safety, Health & Welfare at Work Act 2005, the Safety, Health & Welfare at Work (General Applications) Regulations 2007.

Our aim is to reduce injuries, ill health and other unnecessary losses and liability and to protect our staff, service users, volunteers and public from any hazards involved with our work.

We are committed to securing safety for all and St Joseph’s Foundation will provide the necessary resources, structures and procedures to ensure this is maintained.

Health & Safety is a Management responsibility. However employees, under the Safety, Health & Welfare at Work Act 2005 have duties to ensuring that they comply with the safety regulations to ensure both their own safety and also the safety of all who are affected by their actions.

In endeavouring to improve our safety performance we welcome communication from staff to ensure that we are constantly monitoring and improving our safety structure within our department.



  • BSafe
  • Health & Safety Consultants
  • 021 6010060