Returning to School Supports

Returning to School Supports 

State Exams

These documents briefly outline changes to the Junior Certificate and Leaving Certificate in 2020, as a result of Covid-19. They are provided in easy-read format, with some visual supports.


Junior Certificate - What's Happening Now

Leaving Certificate - What's Happening Now

Sensory Regulation

Sensory Strategies at School

Emotional Regulation

Back to School – Managing Anxiety​

Transition to a New School

Pupil Passport – School Starters

Transition Booklet – School Starters


Resource for supporting children transitioning from primary to post-primary school NEPS, 2015



Starting a new school 

Visual Supports

Visual materials can be used to prepare your child for returning to school and to support them when they have returned. The documents below provide templates for creating visual supports for your child, as well as a number of sample visuals which may be incorporated.


Visuals - Back to School

Visuals Chart 

Visuals Charts Template

Visual Strategies Guide 1 

Daily Visual Schedule Sample and Blank


Getting Ready for School



The below resource ‘Bridge Back to School’ was compiled by the AsIAm organisation, to support children with Autism Spectrum Disorder with the return to school.



Social story for returning to school 
Covid 19 Time capsule 


January 2021 - Alternative Access Routes to Education 

Alternative Access Routes to Education

The University of Limerick is part of the Disability Access Route to Education (DARE) and the Higher Education Access Route (HEAR)

DARE and HEAR information session 2021

Disability Support Services and the Access Office at the University of Limerick will run a virtual DARE and HEAR information session on February 9th 2021 at 5:15pm. This session will run until 6:15pm. This session can help students, parents, teachers and guidance counsellors with the application process. The session will include information on the application process, deadlines and information on required documentation. There will also be time for questions and answers. Both schemes will be covered in the session.

For more information on the session or if you have any queries, please email the contact details below.


DARE queries dare@ul.ie

HEAR queries hear@ul.ie


The session can be accessed through the Disability Support Services Website or just join the live event directly.

Link to the live event below in case there is any issue with the above links

