Mandatory Training

Mandatory Staff Training

Ongoing training and development for our staff is an integral part of St Joseph’s Foundation and an essential tool to ensuring optimal staff performance. It is the key to supporting staff to acquire skills and knowledge to enable them to perform their role in the Foundation in line with the requirements of their job description, and the Foundations policies and procedures.  The effective training of our staff will assist the Foundation to reach its aims and objectives, providing a high standard of care and a safe service for our service users. The Foundation’s policies and procedures are based on all aspects of good corporate performance including compliance with all legislation related to staff and our service users.

We provide scheduled mandatory internal training on the following courses:

  1. Manual Handling & Patient Lifting
  2. Safeguarding Vulnerable People
  3. Fire Training
  4. MAPA
  5. Epilepsy and the administration of epilepsy & stesolid midazolam where applicable

There is also mandatory training on-line at www.hseland.ie in the following courses:

  1. An Introduction to Children First
  2. Hand Hygiene for HSE Clinical Staff
  3. The Fundamentals of GDPR
  4. Putting New Directions into Practice  

We also assist staff in pursuing external courses which are relevant/necessary in the performance of their role.