
Role of Physiotherapist in Aged Care

Physiotherapy plays a key role in the Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) in adult services.

Therapy programmes focus in on promoting independence, strengthening, fall prevention, safety and providing specialist supports as needed.

As an individual ages levels of physical activity can decrease, this can have a knock on effect on their independence, the level of assistance needed for basic day to day activities.

Physio’s focus on maintaining activity levels to ensure no loss of independence and safe mobility.

Specialist Services for Adults

Once a month the Physiotherapy Department manages an orthotic clinic, at which, we work closely with a team of clinical specialist orthotists from APOS in the assessment, supply and monitoring of a range of orthotics for the adults who attend St. Joseph’s Foundation.

Contact Us

Please contact anyone on the team if you have any queries:

Nicki Gargan

  • Senior Physiotherapist CDNT North West Cork
  • ngargan@sjf.ie
  • 086 4611642

Aileen Hurley

  • Staff Grade Physiotherapist CDNT North West Cork
  • Ahurley@sjf.ie
  • 0864407498

Helena Rafferty